Last night was so hot i couldnt sleep for most of it.. i eventually fell asleep with the electric fan right beside me in the bed.
during breakfast vanessas dad said that you can tell by the heat that it would rain and sure enough about an hour or 2 later it started pouring all of a sudden, and continued without relenting for about 4 hours.
the temperature dipped to a refreshing 27 degress during the rainfall and is still at 27 now (11.38pm) so i guess this means it might not rain tomorro.

well between, eating and drinking things that i have never heard of seeing things such as a frog randomly jumping on the footpath of the town or strange large bugs that make me wonder what size the spiders must be, pucallpa has been non stop surprises for me. and this evening took me to a place i definitly hadnt expected to be. mass!
vanessa informed me that they are going to church this evening (being sunday) and i responded with some excuses only to be met with .. "you have to come!"
but it turned out to be different to what i was expecting.
we pulled up on a street and proceeded to enter a regular sort of building with lively music coming from it. this turned out to be the church.

church pucallpa style.... like group kareoke with loads of dancing and clapping.
and during the slow songs there was some holding out of the arms like you do when a soccer referee makes a bad desicion. unfortunatly i didnt get any fotos, i was too busy holding out my arms hehehe.
i later found out that it was an evangelistic church and that the people who said the mass. were pastors rather than priests.