One over night bus from MedellĂn to bogota, a day round bogota , overnight flight from bogota to madrid. And im now in madrid airport awaiting my flight to ireland.
i am going home. to end this lifestyle for the forseeable future.
It surely will be strange to stay put in one living space for longer than a week. I guess as time goes bay, i will start to feel the post travel withdrawl symptoms.
im excited about seeing everyone! how my nephews have changed and i wonder will the dogs recognise me. it will be downright wierd to be surrounded by people who know me well. i have gotten so used to moving around alone that i have been able to make friends everywhere and anywhere. this is a gift i do not want to lose. contrary to what you might think, you actually feel less alone when you are alone.. because everyone in the world becomes a potential friend. the choice is endless...
i feel like a few months of living with the minimum of material possesions has done me good.
i remember at one stage during the trip one person asked me "do i miss my own bed?" . why would i miss a bed? my bed is just a piece of wood and springs, it doesnt miss me! it doesent do anything... i am living my life i will grow old and die eventually, theres no time to waste ... knowledge is your only real possesion.
air comet from bogota, colombia to madrid, spain
madrid airport
passengers queue up for ryanair flight from spain to ireland
the ever-grey dublin airport
the lonesome boatman