this is my very last weekend in south america. so no touristy stuff... just non stop party.
dancers in "mangos"
some very average looking colombians at "bar red"
on saturday night i actually thaought for a while that it may be a quiet one.
little did i know.....
you never know quite where your going to end up in a foreign city. on my last saturday night in south america i happened to find a big party indeed. as though it were epecially for me hehehe.
rave party, colombian style.
with a roof that opens up every now and again, greeted by a huge cheer from the crowd as the sun rises.
1 comment:
feliz cumple MATT... pense todo el dia en ti.. porque es una fecha super especial para ti...... nunca olvides que eres importante para mi.... precioso feliz dia...
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