they had been on the bus in quito, bag wash slashed, surprise surprise.
all the people who have been robebd have said something to the effect of "and we are fairly savvy travellers but...."
i guess it happens the one time you let your guard down.
the ecuadorian guy behind the counte didnt know where the police station was as it goes hehe..
we found it in the guide book.
jacket crisis
i love my jacket, its one of those hiking jackets, its perfect for every weather, it doesnt look it but due to some amasing technology its actually more water proof than a raincoat. i find that when i wear a normal raincoat i sweat so much that i end up more wet on the inside than on the outside. not with this baby.. but there is one real down side to it, as is the case with all north face products! and thats the big fat north face logo screaming out at everyone saying "look at me , im expensive" "i was just baught for this trip"
i hate the logo on my jacket. so i decided to do something about it.
i found a pink floyd patch.. i like pink floyd, so what the hell.. it fits
¡ took it over to the guy down the street with the sewing machine.
look what he did to it the fool !!
"o, no se veia bien... blabla....."
he figured it wasnt going to look good that way so he decided to do this...grrrrrr
now i know why ecuador is falling behind ..
he made a mes of it... i got rid of the pinkfloyd patch ..
what can i do to put this right? im open to suggestions, anything bar an iron maiden or metallica patch hehehe... somethig subtle...
ja ja ja ja ja ... pobre chaqueta !! jaja
black marker, black pen, something to take the reflectiveness out of it kind of...
What about a big Irish flag to cover both? Seriously though you'll just have to get two patches now, one to cover the North Face and one to cover the 'mess'
if the irish flag wasnt the worst match of colours in history, i might. no, i just wans somethign black-ish or so.... looks like the jacket is dead.. i dont know what to do with it now.
as for the pen suggestion.. unfortnatyly they are holes. it needs to be patcvhed up or soon the jacket will tear open.
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