Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quito: end of first week of travelling

after our experiences on the trole, we got saras bag repaired and off to "fin mcooles of all places " for a pint, some football on tv and shepherds pie. haha swore i would never go there and two days later im there .. nice shepherds pie.!
im moving to another hostel tomorro, theres no room in secret garden tomorro night.
last night i met an irish girl who had just arrived straight from ireland. the same night an american girl was in tears as she was leaving. this morning i met a girl from liverpool who had just arrived, and tonight i met an irish couple coming to the end of their trip.
this is a good hostel, its like a family , the members keep changing but the family atmosphere stays the same.

after a week here, i am going through a wierd stage, its hard for my brain to accept that i dont have anything perticular to do, i can do whatever i want.. normally when i have that option i do a whole flock of nothin.
also i think i have already changed a bit, i now appreciate a cup of black tea, or black coffee. and partly due to the free omlettes for breakfast, i am putting aside my differences with eggs, after what that "chicha" stuff did to me.. yep it made me sick,
i have come to realised that eggs are my friend. eggs are on our side. and besides, eggs are the only real food the corner shops have in the centre of quito. all they have is just, biscuits, crisps, cocacola.. etc..made some ecuadorianas and their kids laugh last night as i tried to get a dinner together out of that garbage.