Location: Montañita, Ecuador
its difficult for me to find words to describe montañita , as every place so far in ecuador, it has surprised me. unlike the sierra where you can easily distinguish an english speaker across the street merely by the color of their hair, there is not a noticeable line between ecuadorian and foreigner here. there are people here from all over the place, and many people come here from other parts of south america for a holiday or for the weekend. its a true coming together of cultures under the common interests of sun, sea, sand, starfish, salsa, spanish, smoking, music, food, parties and... well you get the picture. combining that with the fact the air is warm day and night, and the sea waves warm too. and you can wear what ya like. if there is a heaven, i do hope it is something like this.
oh and i was wrong , it does get sunny here this time of year (occasionaly)
"Rasta Papas" (rasta potatoes)
fried potatoes adorned in rasta colors from various homeade sauces including the smoothest homemade mayonaise imaginable.
fried potatoes adorned in rasta colors from various homeade sauces including the smoothest homemade mayonaise imaginable.
and apparently its one of the less tasty dishes at restaurant "wipe out" .. droool!
i spotted a few fireworks go off for some reason unknown to me in the early evening.
Hostal buddys, Some ecuadorians up from Guayaquil for the weekend. the guayaquil accent is a stumbling block for me, they slur those words out at break-neck speeds and skipping some key sylabils along the way.. and they dont say it any slower the second time.

Hostal buddys, Some ecuadorians up from Guayaquil for the weekend. the guayaquil accent is a stumbling block for me, they slur those words out at break-neck speeds and skipping some key sylabils along the way.. and they dont say it any slower the second time.
Cool landlady. so relaxed. Anita runs "hostal del Amigo" Montañita. and finds stories of drunken antics very amusing.
todays song, i heard it playing on the street somwhere and though its about australia, it seemed so fitting for the atmoshpere in montañita. i think it will forever remind me of this place.
(ctrl & left click to open in new window)
men at work: land down under
todays song, i heard it playing on the street somwhere and though its about australia, it seemed so fitting for the atmoshpere in montañita. i think it will forever remind me of this place.
(ctrl & left click to open in new window)
men at work: land down under
Que rica comida!! meencanta montanita tambien, si pudiera vivir ahi seria exelente!! sabia q te gustaria.. y los guayacos (guayaquilenos) hablamos asi.. jiji.. ya prenderas .. cuidate
lindas fotos mi amorcito,.. no tienes idea la falta que me haces.. me alegra saber que te estas divirtiendo pero oye portate bien ok.. ja ja tienes razon con lo que me dijiste ayer con respecto a las fotos... ja ja..
ja ja hoy empizo mis clases y me da gusto volver a ver a todos mis amigos.. es mi ultimo semestre y lo bueno esque tanto tu como yo estamos realizando nuestro sueño... te quiero MATT nunca pero nunca te voy a olvidar eres lo mas lindo que ha llegado a mi vida,, agradecele a tu mami por tener un hijo tan bueno...
I am definately going to learn Spanish. What are you guys talking about?
google translate
should do the job
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