Just an hour bus ride from Baños, Riobamba has a very different feel to it.On arrival i was beginning to think there may be very little to see or do here.
However Riobamba has quickly won me over.
no sooner had my rucksack hit the ground but i met a canadian couple and we decided to go out to one of the few nighclubs here.
few clubs can be a positive thing though, because they are certainly packed with people. As per usual the music is a mix of latin and electronic dance music. $1 entry, beer $1.25 per pint bottle. Everybody dances in these places, and boy do some of them know how. actually it is impossible not to have fun there.
on a walk into the centre i was taken by surprise by a huge indigenous market. this certainly rivals the Otavalo market for sheer size, but its a different kind of market. based mainly on food. Lots of hollaring and lots of Ecuadorians bargaining over stuff. In fact i was the only gringo i saw here today.
$1 dollar baught me a nice lunch with rice, fried potatoes, fried egg, salad and a hot cup of something sweet (like coffee or hot chocolate but neither). As i was eating my lunch, a baby bird of some sort rain through the seating area and out the other side amusingly followed by man in persuit.
I'm just facinated with the variety of fresh produce at that market Matt. When you think of how people here tell tourists that the 'Galway Market' is a must! Ha ha ha ha
It's amazing how almost everyone wears those hats! They're called 'Trilby's' by the way. I suppose it's similar to the way Texans wear Stetsons.
yea , its similar indeed. in fact sometimes when surrounded by indignous people i feel like i have traveled back in time to the wild west hehe.. the hats are a tradition but also a practical necesity because similar to texas the sun can be quite strong here and these people in particular spend a lot of time out in the open.
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