then i took some fotos of the recently modernised waterfront area before high-tailing it out to the countryside on whatever bus was going anywhere!
bus parking lot. guayaquil is huge.
i think the bus terminal is bigger than dublin airport. (and better organised, needless to say)
the suburbs of Guayaquil. note the rubbish. i have seen parents just throw a plastic bottle onto the road in the middle of a town. not sure if a litter campaign is on president Correas agenda for change.. hope so.
The bus leaving guayaquil was ultra modern and clean with superb air conditioning (which was a first), i got to watch some american blockbuster (subtitles in spanish), they left me in a dusty town called Santa helena, where i immeditaly was courted onto another bus, what a change, my bag was lumped on the roof of this old rust bucket, full of latinos and full of character with some great salsa music blasting out on the old DIY speaker system the whole way. the scenery also changed to almost carribean looking seaside towns from there on, the bus driver weaved the occasional pot hole and i discovered just how well belanaced the bus was as he dipped off the edge of the road to make room for other vehicles. they stopped regurlarly to take or leave some passengers (one of which was carrying the wheel of a car in his arm), and also ,as usual,some venders would get on the bus from time to time selling things like potato crisps and ice pops. the lady beside me opened up conversation, and i knew i was back in friendly Ecuador. i wouldnt be the first set of blue eyes to catch the bus to MontaƱita.
Oh Guayaquil de mis amores..!! que bacan.. pero solo has estado un dia en la ciudad.. si se q es muy grande, el terminal de buses recien lo arreglaron es nuevo..!!
creo que voy a pasar por guayaquil otra vez cuando regreso de la costa. asi que espero conocerlo mejor :-)
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