Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mancora: Goodbye my friends

Location: Mancora,Peru

I should like to spend the whole of my life in travelling abroad, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend afterwards at home. William Hazlitt

alas, just as my skin was thinking about turning to something resembling brown, the time has come to drag myself away from the tropical beaches of Mancora. the white sands and golden sunsets are hard to turn your back on, but i still have much to do in this huge country and time waits for no man. and anyway the beach-culture was starting to wear thin on me. i think it must be the same the world over. i need something to remind me i am travelling... i need peru!

tomorro i take the bus to Chiclayo...

some great friends i met from switzerland who are on a round the world trip. very into their surfing. i hope i see them again at some stage.

Fabiola keeps "Hostel Del Turista" spotlessly clean and helped me a lot with the spanish novel im reading. im glad my dictionarly is crap now hehe
at 30 soles (approx $10) per night its about midrange for mancora but worth it . i think its the cleanest hostel i have been in yet. i recommend this hostel!

strange hats in the market, made from wood or something.

1 comment:

Martha said...

hey las fotos de la caida del sol estan increibles..!! suter continuando tu viaje..!!!