Metropolitan lima has an estimated 9.2 million people, and as i say that, i wonder how they can even make an estimation like that with miles of slums on the outskirts. before coming here i though it would be a stressful place that i could not wait to get away from. but actually, although there certainly are areas that you really must stay away from..there are parts of lima where life is fun, easy going and theres loads of cool stuff to do. im in no more rush to leave here than anywhere else, (though my flight is booked for pucallpa but thats another story.)

Pizza street (calle de las pizzas)
Pizza street (calle de las pizzas)
La Fortaleza de real felipe
the royal felipe fortress.
just as cusco was the capital of the inca empire, lima was founded as the new capital under spanish rule. this fortress (built in 1748 i think) housed the spanish government in peru. it was lined with hundreds of cannons to fend off pirates and the likes. inside it there is one tower called the kings tower which was used to keep prisoners, suffice to say that the spanish were not to be messed with in those days. theres a lot of construction work going on there at the moment but the museums are open.
the museum guide also explained how a tsunami hit the "callao" sector of lima in 1747 covering the whole callao area with water. the fortress was built the following year. the old town of callao is still under the sea to this day but the water is said to be receeding again little by little whenever there is a tremor.
the royal felipe fortress.
just as cusco was the capital of the inca empire, lima was founded as the new capital under spanish rule. this fortress (built in 1748 i think) housed the spanish government in peru. it was lined with hundreds of cannons to fend off pirates and the likes. inside it there is one tower called the kings tower which was used to keep prisoners, suffice to say that the spanish were not to be messed with in those days. theres a lot of construction work going on there at the moment but the museums are open.
the museum guide also explained how a tsunami hit the "callao" sector of lima in 1747 covering the whole callao area with water. the fortress was built the following year. the old town of callao is still under the sea to this day but the water is said to be receeding again little by little whenever there is a tremor.
Gun Museum inside displaying all sorts of antique firearms and swords.
i think i recognise a few guns here from world war two. not that i was there or anything, but i did play "call of duty" computer game which we all know is the same thing really hehe
touching and firing of the guns is (boringly) prohibited, but i couldnt resist hehee (and no.. i didnt fire it)
some of the kind of weapons the incas had to try and fight off the spanish invasion.
"can the real Tupac please stand up?"
Tupac Amaru, the first mestizo to lead a rebellion against spanish rule in peru.
mestizos is the term used for mixed race (indigenous & european) south americans.
Karl & Kate. two nice New Zealanders who havent been home in 2.5 years. each of them had travelled right across 30 countries in europe in their own kitted out buses before they met. im jeolous.
some fairly serious commercial centres in lima. i stared zombie eyed at these tvs for a couple of minutes. the picture quality was astounding. and an evil voice in my head told me i need one of these when i return to the life of material possesions .... i ran out of the shop hehe.
shes an expert teacher of Salsa, Merengue and Festejo and i am not... i wish i had more time in lima to learn some of this stuff.
for those of you who are inerested "festejo" is a peruvian dance with roots in the afro-peruvian community back in colonial times.
todays song
(ctrl & left click to open in new window)
Mana: corazon espinado
todays song
(ctrl & left click to open in new window)
Mana: corazon espinado
Hi Matt. Great description of Lima past and present. Great photos too. Never thought of you as a dancer, after all you refused to do Irish dancing classes at school when you were aged 4 : ) Saw a guy on TV who'd gone to some country in S. America to learn about the Tango and became addicted to it and makes a living teaching it in Dublin now. Work while you dance!
dancing in south amierca....ill put it this way, theres no saying no to these people. hehe
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