Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mancora: Attack of the Ants

well i would have more foto accompanied stories today but for some mysterious reason my new memory card decided to wipe itself clean during the night..! when i connect it to the computer the folder names are all random characters and the folders dont open anymore... i guess i got off lightly though i had only about 12 fotos on it, most of which were scenery ...and as the weather is fairly consistent here i should be able to replace a couple of the better scenery fotos at some stage)
what gets me though is that there were some fotos of goodbyes with our chilean friends who have just come to the end of their holiday... sod it!! or as they say in chile ..."Pucha!!"
i can only begin to empathise with the numerous people i have met who lost ALL of their travel fotos due to robbery or camera malfunction. internet storage is a great thing!

anyway i checked into a new hostel yesterday, same price but its better because its very close to the beach. last night i finally met those little ants i have been told about , the tiny ones who come down from the walls and run all over your table if you leave something sweet on it (like an ice-cream wrapper in this case). and by the way, mosquito repellent makes them run in slow motion and then suddenly stop. heheh
i wonder if it was the ants who destroyed my SD card..maybe as payback?

anyway on a positive note, i think my spanish is about to improve as i finally gave up looking for an english book and decided to buy a book in spanish! so today i will take this and a dictionary down to the beach and try to change the color of my skin (hopefully not to red).


Patricia Kavanagh said...

Hi Matt. Now don't be complaining about a few little ants. Think of us poor people here in Ireland having prepared for a summer we never got. It's freezing here now and raining and windy and that's how it's been all summer. And now it's October so we can forget about any chance of a summer at this stage. So much for global warming! Everyplace but here : ( Those ants wouldn't bother us at all if they were accompanied by a bit of sunshine.

Great blog! Great photos! Bringing a little sunshine into our dull, dark, rainy, freezing days : ) Tell the sun we said 'Hi, Miss you'

Matt said...


ah the ants are nice, actually i didnt mean to hurt them, i just wanted to repel them with some mosquito repellent ..and they seemed to get stuck in it.. but they were gone the next day so i can assure you thet no ants were hurt in the making of this blog.