Barrio Brazil, santiago
over the last few months i must have gotten used to the upbeat nature of ecuador peru and bolivia as it is taking some adjustment to get into the relaxed pace of chile. my usual hearty breakfeast of (arroz a la cubana and mate de coca) cuban rice and coca tea, has been replaced again by toast and coffee, the taxis pass quietly by without so much as a honk, and the buses merly write the destination on the front window, instead of having a guy hanging out the door rattling off the destinations like an auctioneer, i sort of miss that! also there are no ladies frying up tasty snacks on the roadside, meaning my stomach has to stick it out until i can find an adequate restaurant.
that said, santiago comes across as a happy, prosperous place and its really wonderful to take a walk around on a 26 degree december day.
is it france? is it spain?... nope its chile
Plaza Brazil, Santiago
street dogs, with kennels ?
Plaza de Armas (main square), Santiago
Images of Santiago with chilean cueca music
1 comment:
It certainly looks very European there Matt, it must be quite a change. Not much like Christmas at 26 degrees.
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