i took a trip across the water to punta arenas to get some supplies for new years eve.
sunset on the strait of magellan
cerro sombrero
over to the neighbours for a barbecue
they sure took care of me here in cerro sombrero with many deliscious dinners of cordera(lamb)
some of the locals set off fireworks over the water at the magellan strait at midnight.

to cut a long story short (reluctantly... but im stuck for time in this ciber cafe), we found a lift out of cerro sombrero on the 2nd of january. which takes us across the strait of magellan onto the main land.
to cut a long story short (reluctantly... but im stuck for time in this ciber cafe), we found a lift out of cerro sombrero on the 2nd of january. which takes us across the strait of magellan onto the main land.
there are many miles of pretty eventless landscape in these parts.

the road comes to an abrupt end. without too much warning at that, there are signs of course, but some people have been known to miss them at times and go right into the water. a local man told me a sad story of how he dived in to rescue a family. he rescued a man, a 6 month old baby.. unfortunatly a two year old girl drowned.
the road comes to an abrupt end. without too much warning at that, there are signs of course, but some people have been known to miss them at times and go right into the water. a local man told me a sad story of how he dived in to rescue a family. he rescued a man, a 6 month old baby.. unfortunatly a two year old girl drowned.
the boat arrives to load up the awating vehicles.
during the boad trip i was amased by the beautiful sight of black and white dolphins racing alonside the boat.
something i found amusing is the term "pokemon" used here in punta arenas, to describe a crtain type of young person. apparently pokemons listen only to reggaton music..
for the uninitiated: (reggae poster un the photo may be misleading, do not confuse reggaeton with reggae.. its not that at all.. in a nutshell its hip hop in spanish with a unique drum rythm.. more on that later.
for the uninitiated: (reggae poster un the photo may be misleading, do not confuse reggaeton with reggae.. its not that at all.. in a nutshell its hip hop in spanish with a unique drum rythm.. more on that later.
people keep asking if i have cut my hair.. the answer is no, its just in a pony tail these days, to prove it i have let it down just for this photo ;-)
todays song is chilean cumbia (ctrl & left click to open in new window)
los charros of lumaco: ando de borrachera
los charros of lumaco: ando de borrachera
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