Plaza de Armas, Trujillo
(Trujillo : english fonetics : Through-hee-yo),_Peru
i have many months ahead but its amasing just how short it can seem when you divide your time up town by town in a place the size of south america, so given myself some time restrictions in order to meet a few deadlines.
unfortuantly that left me with the hard choice of having to remove Cajamarca from my itinerary this week. Cajamarca was said to be a 7 hour bus ride up into the highlands (minus the normal routine delays i assume) and a further 7 hours to trujillo. so i opted for a mere 3 hour bus ride straight to trujillo... i hope i can go back to cajamarca sometime.
the bus was nice and spacious, and showed an overdubbed movie which i payed no attention to.
when we pulled into trujillo bus station the passengers were met by some super eager taxi guys at the exit of the bus, one of who actually followed me around to the luggage and stood behind me waiting to court me off to his taxi after i got my bag. its difficult for a foreigner to tell if these guys intentions are good or bad but it is certainly annoying to me and i ignore these guys on that basis .
i went through the bus station exit where there were several more eager taxi drivers waiting on foot, i chose one and allowed him to bring me to his car. we was a nice talkative guy , but i got suspicious of him when he told me that the hostel i wanted to go to was closed and he knew a much better one.. i decided to go with it, but the one he brought me to was 90 soles and way to posh for a vagabond like me so he offered to bring me to another one... i picked another from the guidebook and strangely he told me that one was closed too! the one we ended up going to was pricey at 60 soles a night but by this stage i was happy just to get my bags down and look for something cheaper tomorro. i rang the hostels that he had said were closed and indeed they were both closed down for renovation , so that put my mind at rest a little to know he wasnt lying.
the next morning i decided to chek out the other options... and it seems like the hostel options are not very good in trujillo. i went first to the one compared in the guidebook with "alcatraz" and yes i can confirm that it is exactly like a jail with its long corridor rows of doors either side leading into dark scummy windowless cells with nothing but a damp looking bed in the corner. i have build up some tolerance in the last couple of months but i gues im not that hardcore just yet. but at 10 soles its the cheapest hostel i have seen yet in south america.
according to XE converter thats Euro 2.40c by todays conversion rate.
(mind you i have heard that you can get a good hostel for this price in bolivia.. we will soon find out)
i found some others, one at 20 soles but not much better,
one for 25 but not much better either and the (male) receptionist was just a but tooo friendly...
and i had just talked the well located "hostal colonial" into giving me a room for 40 soles (instead of 55) when my good peruvian friend vanessa called to say hi and that i could stay with her aunt if i liked... so im staying with vanessas aunt "tonia" now. im such a free loader.
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