They say that a journey is best measures in friends rather than kilometers, and by that i feel like i have already come a long way. Vanessas aunt & uncle tonia and jose have treated me with the best of peruvian hospitality. tonia even made one of my tshirts white again hehe... terrible idea to bring a white tshirt when you go travelling.
hearty peruvian lunch
potato, lettuce, boiled egg,unknown yellow sauce, a large purple olive?
i think it is : lamb with rice and yuca
this yuca stuff has texture and flavour similar potato.
Then their friend Gustavo very kindly took me on a tour of the museum of archeology of trujillo,
for whom he did much of the supporting artwork for the displays.
The museum is based on findings in the trujillo area from various excavation sites such as the pre inca structures "huacas del sol y la luna"(temples of the sun and the moon), it takes you on a path trhough time tracing the devolpement of the local civilisations from the early man to the moches culture (200-750AD) who worshipped nocturnal hunting animals such as cats & snakes, to the chimu culture (1000-1470AD) who worshipped the moon, to the incas (1470-1532AD) who worshipped the sun and finally to the spanish who introduced christianity.

This Skeleton of a 12 or 13 year old child found in the area dates back ten thousand two hundred years from the present day.
This Skeleton of a 12 or 13 year old child found in the area dates back ten thousand two hundred years from the present day.
on close look you can see that this one is chewing coca leaves.
model displaying the multi layer structure. each time a ruler died off they filled in that layer and built another one on top of it for the next ruler. painted by gustavo
mural on the street done by gustavo
painting in tonias house done 20 years ago by gustavo
sculpture by gustavos wife
noticed this religious ceremony on the street at night. apparently its for the anniversary of the virgen of chapi,who is one of many virgin mothers believed to have existed. every town in peru has one. a painting of her was produced from the entrance of the casino and placed onto this float and paraded on the street.
video of peru
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