Saturday, December 27, 2008


hi everyone, sorry i have not written for a few days now, internet availability has ben minimal for me this christmas. here are some finaly shots of santiago taken in the run up to navidad! (christmas)
culture shock as it was (coming from bolivia), i did grow to love santiago in the week i spent there, hope i can return.

my friend monica has a swimming pool ! what a place to spend a december day.

craft market in santiago

barrio bella vista . the place to go at night for clubbing & bars

pio nono street

some dj in some club.... oh its all a bit vague now.
there is a noticable differnece in the clb scene in chile from the countries of the central andes. slightly less latino and more electronica.

monument in plaza de armas

police man puts out bin fire

few late night drinks on the rooftom terrace with random hostel buddys from all over the place.

then an arly morning flight to punta arenas. actually i went with (recommended!) sky airlines, but lan had parked this plane nicely for a photo.

1 comment:

Patricia Kavanagh said...

Happy New Year Matt! Looking forward to photos from Tierra del Fuego