i do plan top return to chile soon however, but for now i leave you with a few of what we call "chilenizmos" that i picked up along the way. words that are exclusively chilean.
que fome! - what a drag
Bacan! - Cool
pucha! - damn!
Cochino - disgusting
Cachai? - know what i mean?
piolo - chilled out, relaxed eg.. "este bar es piola!" "this bar is chilled, man!"
weon - jerk
polola - girlfriend
flan - deliscious stuff , known to us under its french name "creme caramel", i just love the simplicity of the name "flan!"
palta - known to us as "avocado" ok this is used in more countries than just chile, but i mention it because they seem to eat it on everything!
completo - hot dog with way to much stuff on it such as mayonaise & avocado.... mmmmm
pichanga - loads of different fried meats & chips and lots of other stuff in a punnet .... has to be seen to be believed.....droool!
and some final photos of Puerto Natales.
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