rugged snow capped mountains, turquoise blue waters,wild animals, hot sun, cold wind. you can have it all in a day in torres del paine.
the word "paine" comes from the old indigenous language of the region, meaning "blue".
the rivers and lakes have such beautiful shades of blue its hard to believe.
the rivers and lakes have such beautiful shades of blue its hard to believe.
the word torres is the spanish word for towers.
wild guanaco
i pointed out that i could see a face in this hill. paola informed me that its famous for this.
calafates, wild fruit. theres a patagonian saying that if you eat these you will return to patagonia.

josefa plots our travel route.
icebergs in "lago grey"
glacier grey lies in the distant background.
then onto visit a cave where the bones of a giant prehistoric bear "milodon" were discovered.
evening ,back in puerto natales.
Images of Torres del Paine
the blog of pink lee. a girl i met around august 16th. just three days into my trip. who has been symultaneosly travelling a similar route to me. only with a differnce,. she does a lot of hiking.
and really takes some stunning photos. turns out she was in torres del paine recently too.
take a look here!
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
the blog of pink lee. a girl i met around august 16th. just three days into my trip. who has been symultaneosly travelling a similar route to me. only with a differnce,. she does a lot of hiking.
and really takes some stunning photos. turns out she was in torres del paine recently too.
take a look here!
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
What an amazing place! Wow! Jealous? Who me? Not at all, I'm not a bit jealous, I swear I'm not. Boo hoo hoo! I have a photo of myself standing beside a polar bear too though, a stuffed one, taken at the 'top of the world'.
hola matt, las fotos estan INCREIBLES..!! WOW q lugar masprecioso.. y q frio jiji... cuidate.. abrazo..!!!
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