Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chile: Viña Del Mar : nightclubs, more nightclubs and the beach

th is weekend was the first time i have seen someone i know from home in 7 months. sam patterson (who is on a round the world trip, and was supposed to be in new zealand) send me a message to say she had decided to turn round and come back to south america. she and her boyfriend were staying inVina del mar which is just 1.30 hours from santiago, so i decided to hop on a bus and go right over to meet them.

we hit the Vina clubscene hard :)

reggaetonistic behaviour in Vina del mar

some local gals stand up on the bar to do the reggaeton thing


i do not remember taking this photo.

the third club

the third club we visied was very big, in fact it was like two nightclubs in one, or was i just seeing double. anyhow just after entering i could no longer find sam and her boyfriend, but somewhow had aquired two replacement chilean friends, deborah & angie. with whom i went to a fourth club, known as an "after". the after is a sort of underground club which goes on after the official clubs close at 5am. this one was apparently in the venue of a club which closed down some years ago. it was like a mixture between a warehous party and a nightclub. it was daylight when i got back to my hostel...

sand art on the beach in vina del mar

(Ctrl & left click to listen in new window)
Los Benjamins: Noche entierro

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