some journalists came around to do anarticle about hostel forestal. described as the "hostel mas "ondero" del mundo" (grooviest hostel in the world). and since i was loitering around they asked if they could photograph me playing pool.
the article appeared in todays (february 3rd) issue of "las ultimas noticias" (the latest news). and is now on the wall. rodrigo is proud that his hostel is recieving attention. as the article says, the hostel has an atmophere and quality that money cannot buy.
rodrigo assists one of the brasilian guests in hitting the pool ball.

learn spanish
this advert was around the hostel last night. its not perfectly written, though i think it illustrates how endlessly entertaining it can be to exchange languages. the teachers english is obviously not great, however her mistakes are cute and amusing and she may well be a fantastic teacher of spanish. (and she "does it" in the park too!"hehe
i met an irish girl who is new in south america and was actually put off studying spanish here in chile because someone actually advised her against it, claiming that the chileans have a differnt way of speaking it. i can guarantee the person who told her that does not speak spanish. the chilean addition to the language is a grain of salt. dont listen to the "fear" people who speak of failure and difficulty. language learning is 100% fun! and you can learn spanish anywhere! even in the park or the hill in chile.
hey you are famous now.!! later you will have all the chileans girls behind you.. opps i think they are already jajajajajaja..!! cuidate.. chevere la foto del baurero...!! hablamo despues irlandesito ;)
:O vaya amiguito!!
Eres famoso lo sabia...jejeje
take care, muack
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