Friday, February 6, 2009

Valparaiso : new day a new town

"To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world." - Freya Stark

just two hours from santiago lies a town with its own special character. i decided to pay a visit.

Song about Valparaiso
palmena pizzaro - valparaiso, joya del pacifico (jewel of the pacific)

this says: "turn off the TV, Live your life"

lots of street dogs around , i think they have a good life here.

play on words : "i love valpo" or "i love val, po".
"po" is a chilean slang word, po, which they say all the time, po.

samba, bossanova band plays in a bar in valparaiso.

drum & bass in club "subterraneo" in providencia, santiago

1 comment:

Patricia Kavanagh said...

Interesting town Matt. Looks really warm there. It's -5 here today. I love the artwork in the streets, especially the one of the street leading down to the sea.